Prepping for an Event

Whether it’s a trunk show, charity event, jewelry show or a craft show, indoor or outdoor, time is what you need. As the day or weekend approaches, the craze begins. It’s like hosting several unique parties a year. It’s important to be creative, efficient and look your best.
There are quite a few steps in assuring you have all your ducks in a row, which include, your new product is complete and back from the jeweler the way you want it, your line is polished and tagged, displays clean and packed, packaging prepared, enough handouts, signs, pens, paper, devices and most vital, a volunteer or two. This is where organization is crucial.
Each venue offers a different size space, so display size can vary as much as a one 6-foot table to a 10’ by 10’ space, or larger. Weather is also a factor, displaying outside could mean setting up a tent. A dry run of how you will display, break it down and set it up again is essential. Let’s not forget transporting to and from. It sure keeps you on your toes! My next event is Father’s Day weekend at Sag Harbor Arts and Crafts Fair. I hope you can make it!! #uniquespirit
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